TopSport Code
TopSport 2025 Code is BETSAU
TopSport Promo Code
TopSport Sign-up
How to Claim TopSport Promotions
- Visit TopSport
- Hit ‘Join Now’ and complete the two-part sign-up form. For the TopSport promo code, use the code BETSAU
- With your account created, you can log in and view all the latest TopSport promotions.
- Go to the deposit page and add some funds to your account.
TopSport: Key Terms & Conditions
About TopSport
TopSport Racing & Sports Betting Offers
TopSport Payment Options
- Debit Card
- Cheque
- POLi
- BPay
- Cash (deposits via Westpac)
TopSport Contact Details
- Telephone: 1800 TOPSPORT (1800-867-776) or 07-5599-2244
- Email:
- Fax: 07-5599-3855 (Australia)
- Post: PO BOX 455, MIAMI, Qld 4220, Australia
TopSport: FAQs
How do I download the TopSport app?
It’s easy. Go to the website and scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see the icons for iOS and Android. Choose the one that you want and follow the instructions provided.
Can I reset my TopSport login details?
Yes. There is a reset password link on the login page where you can do this.
Why is TopSport not called Merlehan?
We assume this is simply because TopSport is a more catchy name. Peel back the covers and this is Merlehan bookmakers.
Are there any TopSport codes available?
Yes. Use the code BETSAU when joining and start betting at TopSport today.
Is TopSport legit?
Yes. It is licensed by the NSW Government. Basically, TopSport is the online brand of Merlehan bookmakers. All bets taken online are on behalf of Merlehan, which is a reputable name within the betting community in Australia.
Do I need to verify my TopSport account?
Yes. It is a requirement by Australian law that all punters verify their accounts within 14 days.